Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education
PSHE is taught in specific units of work throughout the year as part of the Jigsaw scheme of work, it is also included in many other aspects of the curriculum. It provides pupils with a strong sense of individuality and develops the importance of being part of the school community. The children are encouraged to respect and support their peers, embrace the diversity of religion and culture both in the local area and globally and understand the part they have to play in it as a unique individual. Pupils are also provided with an understanding of mental health and wellbeing and are taught how to care for their own mental health and that of others. The aim of the school is to provide a firm foundation which will prepare the children for their transition to High School and on to adulthood.
Reinwood Junior School PSHE Overview
Reinwood Junior School PSHE Progression Map
PSHE topics - what we cover every half term
Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school: a guide for parents