Reinwood Junior School

Giving Roots to Grow

Online Safety

Mr Winstanley is our Leader for
Computing and Online Safety

Computing is taught weekly as a discrete subject where pupils learn about the safe and efficient use of the internet, digital communication, data retrieval, presentation and programming. They are then encouraged to utilise the skills that they have learnt, throughout all areas of the curriculum.

Each classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard. Each year group has a bank of 30 iPads as well as either a bank of 32 Chromebooks or 32 Windows Laptops to ensure that a variety of computing devices are available to the children at all times and that technology can be utilised as a tool for learning across the full curriculum.

The children use interactive activities, games and puzzles on a daily basis as either whole class activities or individually, on one of our subscribed-to online learning platforms. This ensures that children are kept interested and most importantly are enjoying what they are being taught.

We employ an onsite ICT technician who ensures that all our equipment is functioning effectively. He is also available to support teachers with their lessons. Safeguarding our children when using new technologies is our priority and the children are regularly educated about the risks involved with using the internet and social media. They are taught strategies about what to do should a situation occur where they feel unsafe. Children are trained on how to report concerns whilst using school equipment, should inappropriate content slip through our extensive filtering system. An instantly deployable screen shade is also installed on all windows computers. All iPads can be monitored by the class teacher using Apple Classroom.

Our website is updated regularly and provides both parents and children with information related to school and the curriculum.

Reinwood Junior School

Burfitts Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD3 4YL

01484 647925