Reinwood Junior School

Giving Roots to Grow


Here at Reinwood Junior School, we take the safety of our children and staff very seriously. On this page, you will be able to find all our safeguarding information. 

In school, all adults are required to wear an identity badge, which reassures all pupils and staff that the people that are seen around school are allowed to be there. We encourage everyone to question anybody in school that does not have one of our badges on.
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  • Safeguarding is a standard item on the weekly staff agenda.
  • Safeguarding is a standard item on the Leadership Team agenda.
  • At least one member of our interview panel undergoes 'Safer Recruitment' training every three years.
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Prevent in Schools

Prevent is a government policy to help reduce and eliminate extremism.

It has four main points or 'pillars', which are:

  • to contest
  • to pursue
  • to protect
  • to prepare

Mrs Eastwood, who is our DSL, has attended a training course so that she is completely up to date with new strategies.

Click HERE for more information.

In Spring Term 2016-17, we introduced the use of CPOMS within school. 

What is CPOMS?

CPOMS is a software application for monitoring child protection, safeguarding and a whole range of pastoral and welfare issues. Working alongside a school’s existing safeguarding processes, CPOMS is an intuitive system designed to help with the management and recording of child protection, behavioural issues, bullying, special educational needs, domestic issues and much more. Using CPOMS, schools can ensure that students are safe and fully supported, whilst school staff can focus on teaching and providing support, instead of administration.

Every member of staff across school has an obligation to report any concerns they may have. CPOMS allows them to record information in a central repository and have relevant people alerted immediately. Senior leaders are able to build a chronology around a student and can produce reports on vulnerable pupil groups for case conference meetings, governors and Ofsted at the touch of a button.

Reinwood Junior School

Burfitts Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD3 4YL

01484 647925